We hope that you enjoyed DIRIGO TREASURES MAINE!
We would like to extend a very sincere THANK YOU to all of our players. We are very appreciative of your time, effort, creativity, zeal, and support as we have brought this game to life during its amazing 32-month run. We are extremely pleased with the results of the game, and thank you again for joining us in this grand experiment and for making it the tremendous logistical (And fundraising) success that it has become.
Best Wishes to all and hope to see you again for our next project!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: As Dirigo Treasures Maine has now come officially to an end, could you please provide an update on the release of answers to all of the game’s levels & puzzles?
A: YES! In regard to Levels 4-7, as noted last month, please see the video recording of our November 30th presentation in Bar Harbor, which is available on the website for Jesup Library (For the link, see our December 7th, 2023 website post).
Regarding Level 3, we are pleased to report that we have now posted the solution details on a separate “Level 3” page on our website. Official answers to Levels 1-2 will be provided on our website in the coming weeks, so please watch for these updates! We would also like to point out that answers to Levels 5-7 are also available on our website as well, on separate pages labeled by level. Going forward, our intention is to provide in 2024 a fully complete update on our website for all levels of the game, so players who wish to continue to play through independently (And we have heard from many of you who have said they wish to do so) have that opportunity to do so and check their performance.
Q: Will you still be available for any future questions that I may have regarding Dirigo Treasures Maine, now that it has officially ended and that the many answers to the puzzles have been released?
A: YES! We are happy to answer any future questions about the game puzzles, methodology, rationale, thought process in design, issues, etc. Please feel to contact us using our standard contact information:
Dirigo Treasures, LLC, P.O. Box 549, Newcastle, ME 04553
(207) 657-8064
Thank you!
Q: Any additional spoilers/information that you can tease regarding your next project?
A: Good question! While we cannot say a great deal beyond what we cryptically teased during our November 30th presentation in Bar Harbor, what we can divulge is this: Our next project will indeed be another Treasure Hunt experience, and we have already been deeply involved in the planning for quite some time!
As mentioned in our Bar Harbor presentation, we fully intend to learn from the Dirigo Treasures Maine experience. We plan to build on what worked extremely well in the game, and we plan to minimize aspects which were not quite as effective as we had hoped they would be. Poorly performing vendors/contractors were a blight with this project (Particularly on the IT/business side), so despite the significant financial/time difficulties of doing so, we are planning to work on as much as possible of the game design/planning/execution work in-house. Not a single aspect of the game execution that we controlled went poorly (As opposed to third-party vendor/contractor assistance), and we fully intend with this next project to take that critical lesson to heart. As the saying goes, “If you want something done right…….”.
Thank you for the questions – See you at the release of our next project!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Is a recording available for your Dirigo Treasures Maine wrap-up presentation at Jesup Library, which took place on November 30th? I was not able to make the presentation but would like to see it!
A: YES – A video recording of our November 30th, 2023 presentation is now available on the website for Jesup Library – Please also see the quick link below!
We would like to thank The Jesup very much for hosting us once again! We can report that the presentation (In which we revealed many of the answers to the various levels of the game, as well as the moment of the finding of the 7 Dirigo Stones and Dirigo Treasure) went very well; We appreciate the robust number of Zoom registrations and also the in-person turnout!
Q: Could you comment as to the design theory with the BOLD symbols throughout the game? I heard from a player who attended the 11/30/23 Bar Harbor presentation in-person that after the presentation was done you answered some questions about these Bolds. Is that correct?
A: YES – We did! From a game design perspective, from the beginning we wanted the BOLD symbols to represent a clue device which could be helpful to the player if correctly unscrambled, but at the same time would not be 100% necessary to win the game. For the most part, we left other clues hidden in plain sight throughout the game which would provide enough information for a savvy player-detective to not need the Bolds (Such as, for example, the already-existing “Unused Pairs” in the Level 5 Cipher web page). Yes, to unscramble the Bolds could be extremely helpful – But a Player could find the Dirigo Treasure without them (Especially after our January 1, 2022 “Passagassawakeag” clue).
In short, did we expect all players to successfully unscramble the largest Bolds? Certainly not – The Bolds in a minor way were one of several “Visual distraction devices” in the clever Dirigo Treasure Master’s Red Herring Tool Kit. Players who actually did do the work of unscrambling them should be very proud of their detective work, and hopefully gained the benefit of their messages!
NOTE: Please stay tuned for our next Q&A: Dirigo Updates! in January 2024, in which we will provide a special final ending announcement for both Dirigo Treasures Maine and for the future! As mentioned during our 11/30/23 Bar Harbor presentation, we sincerely THANK YOU for your participation in our game, and we appreciate greatly your time, effort, and hopefully your enjoyment of this amazing 32-month gaming experience. We are grateful to all players for helping us to make Dirigo Treasures Maine the great success that it has become!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Is it correct that there has been a change in time for the Dirigo Treasures Maine wrap-up presentation planned for later this month (November 30th)?
A: YES – We have extended the length of the presentation with a new start time. Please see below!
Please join us on November 30th, 2023 (Either in-person or via Zoom), from 6:30-8pm, at the Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor, Maine, where we will be presenting a live discussion and Final Retrospective for Dirigo Treasures Maine! A link to the full description of the presentation (Including how to register for the event with Jesup Memorial Library) may be found here:
As mentioned in previous updates, our presentation topics will include official explanation for the design & solution to several levels of the game (Especially the Final Level 7), a Questions & Answers segment, a video look into the moments of discovery of both the 7 Dirigo Stones and the Dirigo Treasure, and a very special announcement at the conclusion!
We look forward to seeing you at 6:30pm on November 30th! In the interim, please be sure to continue to check back here for the next Dirigo Updates! post. All of us at Dirigo Treasures, LLC continue our sincere thanks to all players for experiencing and enjoying our game throughout its amazing 32-month long treasure hunt time duration!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Do you have more details/information on the Dirigo Treasures Maine wrap-up presentation planned for November 2023?
A: YES – We do have an update, as details of the event have been finalized, and it has now been officially announced!
Please join us on November 30th, 2023 (Either in-person or via Zoom), at 7pm, at the Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor, Maine, where we will be presenting a live discussion and Final Retrospective for Dirigo Treasures Maine! A link to the full description of the presentation (Including how to register for the event with Jesup Memorial Library) may be found here:
As mentioned in our previous update, our presentation topics will include official explanation for the design & solution to several levels of the game (Especially the Final Level 7), a Questions & Answers segment, a video look into the moments of discovery of both the 7 Dirigo Stones and the Dirigo Treasure, and a very special announcement at the conclusion!
We look forward to seeing you on November 30th! In the interim, please be sure to continue to check back here for the next Dirigo Updates! post. All of us at Dirigo Treasures, LLC continue our sincere thanks to all players for experiencing and enjoying our game throughout its amazing 32-month long treasure hunt time duration!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: What is the latest on players’ pursuit of the “I Solved Dirigo Treasures Maine” Bumper Stickers? How many players have been successful to date? Is there any expiration date on players’ opportunity to secure a Bumper Sticker?
A: As of 7am this morning, we are happy to report that in the month of August 2023, over 29 players have been successful in solving the final level of the game, and have won themselves the free Bumper Sticker. We congratulate their success! In regards to the question of an expiration date, our current plans are that players will continue to have the opportunity to win themselves the Bumper Sticker until the moment when we publicly reveal solutions to the game puzzles/riddles. Please see below for more on that!
Q: Do you have any clarity/update as to when you will be releasing official explanations for many of the game’s puzzles/riddles?
A: YES – We do have an update! Please join us on November 30th, 2023 (Either in-person or via Zoom), as on that date we will be presenting a live discussion and Final Retrospective for Dirigo Treasures Maine! The exact time and venue is TBD: Please check our future website updates for solidity on those details. Our presentation topics are expected to include explanations for the design & solutions to the 3 Parts of the “Final Riddle”, insight into other Levels, a questions & answers segment, and possibly a video look into the moment of discovery of the 7 Dirigo Stones and the Dirigo Treasure. More to come!
Q: Now that the Dirigo Treasure has been found, and the “Active” portion of the treasure hunt has concluded, do you have any updates to report in regard to the nature of the gameplay?
A: YES – We have a very important update! Now that the Dirigo Treasure has been found, we have converted access to Levels 5-7 of the game to separate pages here on our website!
Instructions for access to these levels on each page: In short, players will use the same critical clue information that they obtain during their treasure hunting as the access information for each level here on our website. Please reach out to us at DirigoTreasures@gmail.com if players have any questions on this process!
Thank you for the questions! Be sure to continue to check back here for future Dirigo Updates! posts, as we will reveal even more details on our upcoming presentation that will discuss and provide official explanations for many of the puzzles/riddles of Dirigo Treasures Maine.
As mentioned in previous updates, we at Dirigo Treasures, LLC once again would like to sincerely thank all players for experiencing and enjoying our game throughout the amazing 32-month long treasure hunt time period!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Who is the winner of Dirigo Treasure Maine? And where were the 7 Dirigo Stones found?
A: Please join all of us at Dirigo Treasures, LLC in congratulating Alex Beaudet & Brittany Ciccketti of Pemaquid, Maine! They are the winners of Dirigo Treasures Maine, and it was they on Tuesday, August 1st who found the Dirigo Treasure!
(The Winning team – Alex & Brittany!)
The Treasure Master and our Staff got the opportunity to meet Alex & Brittany for the very first time on Tuesday, as they successfully made their way to the beautiful & charming seclusion of the temporary residence of the 7 Dirigo Stones: Lulu’s Barn on Westport Island!
(Alex & Brittany learn that the 7 Dirigo Stones have been keeping interesting company of late!)
A remarkable younger team, we noticed immediately when speaking with them that they were both very strong players, and it was obvious that their combined skill sets made them an excellently balanced & competitive team. Their level of effort & time investment in this game (For which we as game designers are both grateful and humbled) was significant, and they were not to be denied! In fact, it is important to note that Alex & Brittany were impressively one of the first 5 teams chronologically to make it to the very last Level of the game – Very early Finalists! That (In itself), is an amazing and noteworthy achievement – And an indication that as with many of our wonderful early players, they would find themselves in the thick of this treasure hunt for a very long time.
(Encountering the 7 Dirigo Stones, and the Treasure Master!)
However, as we all know, despite challenges of time or complexity, winners never give up, and persist until there is either victory or defeat. We enjoyed immensely hearing about Alex & Brittany’s adventures during the treasure hunt, from their bumpy and almost-never-ending trip to the clue for the 6 of Hearts, to their thinking process in figuring out the last clue in the game and their solving of the Dirigo Riddle. Alex (A Farmer by trade, with a Software Engineering background), and Brittany (A Nurse, with a background in non-profit development), are an impressively analytical pair, and in the end, they did exactly what the Treasure Master had intended with the final puzzle: Developed a well-researched theory, struggled with it, debated it with each other, and eventually believed in themselves enough to take a chance and make the long journey to the place where the answer to the Dirigo Riddle may be found. We are pleased to confirm that this very likeable and personable pair’s victory was a sound one. Their winning of this contest was a definitive, clean victory, completely free of any controversial elements: As of late Friday, August 4th, they were still the only Players who were able to successfully submit to the Treasure Master a completely correct Combination which unlocked the location of the 7 Dirigo Stones, and Maine’s Dirigo Treasure.
(With the aid of the 7 Dirigo Stones, Alex & Brittany translate the location of the Dirigo Treasure!)
Indeed, well done Alex & Brittany! It was wonderful to meet you! The Treasure Master congratulates you, wishes you both the very best for the future, and salutes your determination, persistence, patience, and resourcefulness in finding Maine’s over $20,000 Dirigo Treasure!
(Where the $20,000 Dirigo Treasure was found!)
Thank you for the question! Be sure to continue to check back here soon for future Dirigo Updates! posts, as we will reveal even more details on the finding of the Dirigo Treasure, the status of players’ continuing pursuit of the bumper stickers, and when exactly there will be a full official explanation of the solution to the Final Riddle/clue in the game. We at Dirigo Treasures, LLC sincerely thank all players for experiencing and enjoying our game throughout the amazing 32-month long treasure hunt time period. Wherever you are from, we wish you all a wonderful Summer & Fall of 2023 – And of course, a very “Zappy” 200th Birthday to the State of Maine!
(The $20,000 champions – The first to conquer the Treasure Master!)
NOTE: All photos are courtesy of Moore Photography of Limington, ME!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Has the Dirigo Treasure been found?
A: YES – As of 4pm this afternoon, we are thrilled to finally report and confirm that the The Dirigo Treasure HAS been found! MORE DETAILS TO COME SOON!!!
Q: What happens now with the game, with Dirigo Treasures Maine??
A: As mentioned on previous occasions, even though the Dirigo Treasure has been found, this game continues! Players may continue to play through and work to eventually solve where exactly the Dirigo Treasure was hidden. Should players be successful, they will be the recipients of a free bumper sticker.
For now, the final solution will NOT be publicly revealed as players work to obtain the bumper sticker. It will eventually be revealed, in a manner which we will report publicly on our website here. And, we will continue to be here managing the game for ALL official players as they continue to enjoy the hunt!
Thank you for the question! Be sure to check back here soon for more details on the finding of the Dirigo Treasure, the identity of the winning player, and also other important information in our next Dirigo Updates! post!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Has the Dirigo Treasure been found?
A: NO – As of 5am this morning, The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the treasure hunt continues!
Q: What were your team’s most favorite Dirigo Treasures to photograph? I don’t mean which ones were the most difficult, or the ones that were the most important to include in the deck. I mean which card locations were the Treasure Master’s favorites to bring to life in this game, and why?
A: We are happy to answer this one! Throughout the now 5+ years of creating & managing Dirigo Treasures Maine, our staff has had the opportunity to see and discover for the first-time locations that truly highlight the uniqueness of the State of Maine. Indeed, Vacationland as we all know has much to offer any traveler. To the Treasure Master, however, there are two (2) card locations which stand out as being the ones which were the personal favorites. While these very last two may not be the most powerful, they represent the 2 specific card locations which for various reasons continue to this day to bring a smile to the Treasure Master’s visage – Recently members of our staff (Along with Dirigo Treasures, LLC owners Kurt & Kelly Stokes) made a site monitoring visit to both of these Dirigo Treasures:
the 4♦!
In many ways, this particular Dirigo Treasure was one in game design that symbolized everything that we wanted a treasure hunt clue to be: A very unique and colorful object that was a challenge to properly identify, located in a rather extraordinary/infrequently traveled place requiring a journey, and with a fun clue in close proximity. Plus, the Treasure Master really nailed the photograph for this card beautifully. A personal favorite no doubt. The bonus here, as many players would find, is that this particular object is one of only two such objects that currently exist in the State of Maine – And the second one is found in a much easier location to travel to. The color was the key in determining which exact location this card represented. As a player, how did you do on this one? To our secret delight, this was the card in which we received the most feedback from players who had thought they were certain they had journeyed to the correct card location, only to find no clue answer – They had journeyed to the wrong one of the two! As a player, did you take the bait? Did you also learn what these objects are called? All-in-all, we found this favorite provided a perfect opportunity for players to educate themselves on the purpose and nature of these unique objects while engaging in their detective work – Hopefully a fun and satisfying experience in the end!
the 5♥!
Another personal favorite of the Treasure Master, and a joy to photograph. We would like to say a very special Thank you to our favorite ticket agent, the wonderful Stephanie Fickett at DWC, for graciously assisting our large 5-person team of staff members as we performed not only this card location site visit, but also as we set sail to monitor an entirely different card location and several other important clues! It is important to note that Stephanie is herself a savvy and experienced Dirigo Treasures Maine treasure-hunter, as she has journeyed to many of the distant Dirigo Treasures card locations in support of her good friend Sharon, a Dirigo Treasures Maine official Player. It was awesome to meet you, Stephanie!
As the Dirigo Treasure card photo here strongly indicates, this professional work of art with a nautical feel comes alive best when seen during the high tide, or during wild, stormy weather. Were you able to guess what the sculpture represents? As indicated in our instructional manual, this work of art is a member of a large and impressive collection that is found scattered throughout one specific region of the State of Maine. We at Dirigo Treasures, LLC will always be grateful to Jesse Salisbury, the Art Director of this exquisite collection, for granting us permission to include this particular representative of the collection as one of our Dirigo Treasures. Have you seen them all? Did you know that this collection existed before playing Dirigo Treasures Maine? They are all hidden gems – Whenever we or our staff come across a member of this collection (No matter what town or location it is in), we can’t help but feel that each unique sculpture is somehow saying something, an important message to the observer; A typical sentiment when one encounters any great thought-provoking work of art!
Thank you for the question! Be sure to check back here sometime in August (Or possibly before, should the Dirigo Treasure be found) for our next Dirigo Updates! post, in which we will continue to provide the latest news, updates, and cryptic hints related to the search for Maine’s Dirigo Treasure!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Has the Dirigo Treasure been found?
A: NO – As of 2am this morning, The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the treasure hunt continues!
Q: You mentioned in your March 2023 Bar Harbor presentation that the COVID19 pandemic had a profound impact on your work in bringing Dirigo Treasures Maine to life. Were there any original card location clues which needed to be altered just before printing the game, because of the pandemic? If so, what are some examples? Did the pandemic force some clues to not be as spectacular as you originally planned?
A: YES, and YES! In our presentation, we mentioned that the COVID19 pandemic challenged our original launch of Dirigo Treasures Maine in ways we could not have ever predicted – But we endured through solid contingency planning. To answer your question specifically, we did need to change several clue answer locations for the Dirigo Treasures in the game deck just before we went to print with the map manual (i.e. Before December 2020). Here below are 2 card location clues in which it was particularly necessary to change wording in the map manual before going to print – Recently members of our staff (Along with Dirigo Treasures, LLC owners Kurt & Kelly Stokes) made a site monitoring visit to both of these Dirigo Treasures and their historical authority-type locations:
the A♦!
We felt strongly in the design of Dirigo Treasures Maine that no collection of card locations celebrating Maine’s bicentennial would be complete without including this place. And, as Players would find, we found a clever and artistic way to represent this place by photographing the location from the inside, and by looking up! The actual card clue answer itself (As indicated in the map manual) is a bit far from the building, and is an outdoors location rather than an indoors one. This was NOT originally to be the case, however! The original clue answer, as with the card photograph, was originally intended to be inside the building, on a very prominent stone bench (See below). As one might remember though, in late-2020 (i.e. When our map manual needed to go to print), the COVID19 pandemic was still looming large, and the question of public access to this building was still a very problematic one. The Treasure Master’s decision here was an easy one: Play it safe by changing the card location clue answer to the outdoors. An unfortunate circumstance, but a necessary one, as at the time of our printing decision it was really not possible to predict exactly when public visits to the building would be restored. We nearly made the new (outdoors) clue answer even more challenging by selecting a stone bench far down the nearby rail trail, but in the end we felt we did not want the Player to miss the opportunity to view this building while at the clue answer location!
the 2♠!
This was one of the earliest chosen card locations in our original design of the game. Initially, the location seemed to have all of what we were looking for: Prominent spot, historical significance, and a fun journey for the player to the top, where the clue answer and an excellent view awaited! However, perhaps no card location was impacted so significantly by the COVID19 pandemic than this one. We learned shortly before we had to go to print that a decision had been made to push public access to the location off until at least well into the Spring/Summer of 2021, if not beyond. While other places in the State of Maine at that time were becoming available once again for public access, this one stubbornly was not. At one point, to us, it seemed a distinct possibility that the location may never open again to the public. That decision left us with a great deal of uncertainty as to how to handle the situation. Should the card location be dropped? Was there an alternate potential clue answer in close proximity to the outside of the building which could be utilized? This was a tough decision for the Treasure Master. In the end, at the time of the go-to-print decision, we decided to keep this card location within our deck, and to use a spot within the very scenic and historical park nearby instead of inside the building for the clue answer. We strongly believe this decision was the correct one – Over time, we feel the replacement clue answer actually provided each Player with a less aggravating, less costly, and frankly more pleasurable alternative journey. As a Player, do you agree?
Thank you for the question! Be sure to check back in approximately 2 weeks (On Saturday, July 29th), for the final of 3 important Dirigo Updates! that we are providing to players in July 2023, and also for the latest news, updates, and cryptic hints related to the search for Maine’s Dirigo Treasure!
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Has the Dirigo Treasure been found!
A: NO – As of 7am this morning, The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the treasure hunt continues!
Q: In your opinion, in designing the game, what were the most difficult experiences that you had in either photographing the card location, or developing what to use as the clue? And why?
A: An excellent question! As mentioned on previous occasions, and also in our March 2023 Bar Harbor presentation, the Treasure Master took great pains to try and make the Dirigo Treasures (i.e. the 52 card locations, and the 2 Jokers) as reasonable as possible from a travel destination perspective. And, in regards to the clues, while many were “Cryptic riddles” in nature (In order to train/prepare Players for the end of the game), an attempt was made to have the clues be easily obtainable. However, interesting enough, there are 2 which come to mind as being situations where photographing the card location and/or the clue were problematic for us as game designers. Please see below – Recently members of our staff (Along with Dirigo Treasures, LLC owners Kurt & Kelly Stokes) made site monitoring visits to both of these numerous-appearing Dirigo Treasures:
the J♠!
Of all the Dirigo Treasures in the deck, this was the Treasure Master’s most intriguing to photograph! If not for its (relative) level of obscurity, or its historical legendary tale, then certainly for the difficulty in getting close enough to it! At least as far as 2019 (i.e. The original taking of the photo) is concerned. At that time, reaching this glorious glacial erratic could only be done in two (responsible) ways: Either by boat at high tide, or by walking along the intertidal zone at low tide. As players can tell from the card photo, the Treasure Master chose the latter. On crutches, it made for a moderately challenging, but doable trip to the erratic. Worth the effort! As newer players can attest, we are happy to report (As seen here) that Maine Coast Heritage Trust recently completed the construction of a ladder to the card location, from a nearby trail connection. If you have not yet journeyed there, check it out! Of course, as players who have found this card also know, obtaining the clue itself does NOT require a journey to the card photo location. In 2019, it seemed appropriate to structure it that way for the game. But visiting it in our opinion was a joy – It was easy to imagine using the erratic to shelter oneself from musket fire!
the 5♦!
This was another card location which our staff felt made a glorious photo! And the highlight with this one was the player’s journey to photograph the must-have clue answer! In regards to difficulty, being on crutches in 2019 made for a tricky navigation of the final stairs to the top. A doable endeavor, but one needing care, caution, and determination! An elevator exists here for handicap accessibility, but in the case of our original 2019 photography visit, it was the stubborn Treasure Master who insisted on using the crutches for those two flights of stairs just short of the goal. All-in-all, another one of our personal favorites, and it was at the very top of the list of card locations which received the most “I did not know this existed in our state” mentions from Players. A must see in our opinion!
Thank you for the question! Be sure to check back in approximately 2 weeks, for the next Dirigo Updates! NOTE: For the month of July 2023, we will be providing 3 times the latest news, updates, and cryptic hints related to the search for Maine’s Dirigo Treasure!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Has the Dirigo Treasure been found?
A: NO – As of 8am this morning, The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the treasure hunt continues!
Q: In your opinion, what is the most important conclusion/new information from your Dirigo Treasures Maine presentation in March 2023 that Players should be sure to carry with them and bear in mind for their future treasure hunting?
A: We would probably say two items: First, the “Spoiler Alert” (i.e. “We believe it is possible that at least 14+ players may have potentially identified the approximate location of the final treasure clue in the game but have NOT found the actual clue itself”), as it is a reminder that multiple players may potentially be or have been closer to the Dirigo Treasure than they may realize. Second, the Treasure Master’s ending message (See below), which added emphasis to perhaps the most important clue provided to Players throughout the game.
Q: In your March 2023 presentation, you indicated that some card locations/clues (From a game design perspective) were more difficult to manage than expected. Could you share an example of one like that?
A: YES – Certainly. Last week members of our our staff (Along with Dirigo Treasures, LLC owners Kurt & Kelly Stokes) had a spectacular time in performing a site monitoring visit at one of our personal favorite card locations, the 2♣! Please see below – What a wonderful light!
In designing the game, we found this location to be perhaps one of the most beautiful to have been utilized as a card photo. And, the quality of the clue answer made it an easy and “no-brainer” decision to include in the game. However, while the 2♣ did play a prominent part in the overall game puzzle, we found from a game management perspective this location proved to be less than ideal. In short, we learned very early on that a prominent local resident took an active and lead role in freely giving away the clue answer – Primarily so that players would not travel to and visit the card location. While we have always held strongly to our belief that concerns of “Over-tourism” with Dirigo Treasures Maine are and have been unfounded (And it should be pointed out that over time we have been correct on that), as game designers we understand that you have to take unfortunate developments like this in stride – As mentioned in our March 2023 presentation, sound contingency planning in game design can help to overcome unforeseen events.
Thank you for the questions! Be sure to continue to check back here for the latest news, updates, and cryptic hints related to the search for Maine’s Dirigo Treasure!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Has the Dirigo Treasure been found!
A: NO – As of 8am this morning, The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the treasure hunt continues!
Q: Have your Card/Clue location site visits begun yet for the Spring/Summer/Fall season? Any new updates on any changes/observations with the locations?
A: YES – Our staff have begun site monitoring visits for 2023! After a long Winter season, we have greatly looked forward to visiting once again the many Dirigo Treasures in our state! This Spring, one of our very first staff visits was to the J♣:
As you see here, Dirigo Treasures, LLC owners Kurt & Kelly Stokes took time from their very busy schedules to join staff as we made several interesting observations. Principally, we could not help but see that water flows here were now very robust, and very impressive – Nearly to the levels observed in 2019 when the original card photograph was taken. One of our staff remarked that this was indeed wonderful to see, especially considering the last 3 prior years or so of on-and-off drought conditions throughout the State of Maine. It truly gave us a renewed appreciation for these current conditions, and reminded us all of the ongoing importance of water conservation (Even in good times), and the need for strong contingency planning when managing & monitoring our precious water resources. We are happy to report no issues with the clue answer at this location!
Thank you for the questions! We hope all players are enjoying this Spring season so far – We continue to see many players progress steadily throughout the levels of the treasure hunt! Please watch for our next website update in June 2023 (If not before, should the Dirigo Treasure be found!). Hope to see you out there!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: I attended and enjoyed your presentation on Zoom on March 23rd, and was wondering about the status of the Dirigo Magnets. What is the latest on those magnets. Have they all been found by players?
A: We have confirmation as of 6am this morning that 5 of the 7 magnets have now been retrieved by players: The ones at UMM, USM, UMF, UMO, and the one at UMA. The other 2 magnets (UMFK, UMPI) have NOT been found as far as we know. We will try and update players once the remaining 2 magnets are located!
Q: Hello – I missed your presentation, but would like to have seen it. Is there a recording which will be released to the public?
A: YES – We sincerely and gratefully thank our host (Jesup Library in Bar Harbor) very much for inviting us to come and present. It was wonderful to meet so many of our players, and we appreciate the strong turnout we had both in person and on Zoom. We hope that the presentation did not disappoint!
UPDATE: A recording of our event on March 23rd is now available for those who missed it, or would like to watch it again. It may be accessed at Jesup Library’s website using the link below. Please let us know if you have any issues with the link, or have any questions on the presentation. Also, keep in mind that there were some minor audio issues at the beginning of the presentation, but they were cleared up in the first five minutes or so.
As mentioned during the presentation, we are hoping that the Spring/Summer/Fall of 2023 will be an enjoyable time for all players in the hunt for the Dirigo Treasure, and we hope it will be found soon! Safe travels and Good Luck to all!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Bar Harbor Presentation Event on Thursday, March 23rd at 7pm!
Please join us for a live Zoom event! On Thursday, March 23rd at 7pm, we will be appearing at Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor to discuss Dirigo Treasures Maine! In this one-hour event, our presentation will include specific details on the making of the game, an important update on the status of the hunt for the Dirigo Treasure, and some cryptic guidance for all players in their search. Time permitting, we also hope to have a special Questions & Answers portion of the presentation. For more information, and to register for the Zoom event, please go to the Jesup Memorial Library website events listing, which may be found using the following link:
Hope to see you all there! The official event description may also be seen by clicking the Announcement link below!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: Is it possible for the Dirigo Treasure to be found during the Winter? Could you please elaborate more on this?
A: YES – As we have mentioned on a few prior occasions, Dirigo Treasures Maine was principally designed as a Spring/Summer/Fall treasure hunt experience. So, from a player access perspective, there are some clues in the game which are NOT readily available during the Winter months (And at least one which is not available until the month of May). However, technically speaking, it is important that players be reminded that while there are a few clues in the game not currently available (Until Spring 2023), the Dirigo Treasure itself may absolutely be found during Winter by the resourceful player, and the Treasure Master has absolutely NO reason to believe that the answer to the last puzzle in the game cannot be readily identified by players during the Winter weather months of December-March.
Thank you for the question! We hope all players are enjoying this Winter season – We continue to see many players make excellent progress! Please watch for our next website update in March 2023: We will be announcing information about an event in which we hope to provide special inside information on Dirigo Treasures Maine, and also a specific update on the status of the ongoing hunt for the Dirigo Treasure!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Dirigo Treasures, LLC: Maine’s Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: What is the latest on the treasure hunt? Has the Dirigo Treasure been found yet?
A: NO – The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the game continues!
Q: I visited the 7♦ recently and found what is the probable spot for the clue answer but am having trouble making anything out. Would you be able to help?
A: YES – At this time we would like to confirm to all players that we have made an official determination that the clue answer for the 7♦ has deteriorated to an extent where the clue answer may no longer be readable. We believe this has been the case since at least June 15th, 2022. If any players have visited the location of the 7♦ but are unable to make out the clue answer based on their photograph, we can offer to assist. Please contact us either on Facebook or via email at DirigoTreasures@gmail.com with your photograph of the clue answer, and we can provide you with a clearer snapshot of the clue answer back from 2019 (Before Dirigo Treasures Maine was launched). Thank you!
Continued good luck to all players with their puzzle & riddle solving! Our next scheduled update will be on the 2nd anniversary of Dirigo Treasures Maine (Or before then, should the Dirigo Treasure be found)!
Maine’s Dirigo Treasure has NOT YET BEEN FOUND!
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: What is the latest on the treasure hunt? Has the Dirigo Treasure been found yet?
A: NO – The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and the game continues!
Q: What is the latest on the 7 Dirigo Stones? Has any player or players found them yet?
A: NO – As of the date of this Q&A, we are not aware of any players who have found the 7 Dirigo Stones! Now, that having been said, at this time we would like to announce and officially confirm to all players that we are aware of a multiple number of players who have successfully located images of the 7 Dirigo Stones (As required in a later level of the game), including their all-important combined secret message that is needed to both unlock and reveal the location of the Dirigo Treasure. But again, NO – No player has yet found the 7 Dirigo Stones, and that is very much still to come!
Q: What is the latest on Sales? Has a decision been made as to whether more decks of Dirigo Treasures Maine will be for sale in 2023?
A: YES – We do have a significant development on this front. At this time, we would like to announce and confirm that we have decided NOT to do a 3rd printing of Dirigo Treasures Maine in 2023. After an extensive cost analysis, we were able to definitively determine that printing costs have risen significantly to the point where more decks cannot be sold at a break-even unless either the sales price of decks is increased, or customers cover the cost of shipping. As our original designs were to offer Dirigo Treasures Maine as a game with a low-cost barrier to enter, neither of these options is acceptable. Therefore, it will be customers from the 1st & 2nd printings who will have the exclusive opportunity to be the one player who finds the Dirigo Treasure!
Those are the latest Dirigo Updates!. We continue to be impressed by players’ determination, persistence, and resourcefulness in pursuit of the Dirigo Treasure. We wish continued safe travels and good luck to all as the search continues!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
THURSDAY, JULY 21st, 2022
Radio Interview & Thank you!
We would like to take a moment to sincerely thank our good friend Rick Stanley at the Sanford-Springvale Chamber of Commerce for graciously inviting us onto his Chamber Talk radio show to discuss our experiences creating Dirigo Treasures Maine. As mentioned during the segment, we are tremendously grateful to Rick and all of our partners & volunteers who have assisted us in some capacity with the immense task of developing, building, and managing the treasure hunt.
For those players who are interested in hearing the interview, it is currently available here below (It had been at the Sanford-Springvale Chamber of Commerce’s website, on their Chamber Talk page).
Q&A: Sold Out!
Q: Is it correct that you are now sold out of games?
A: Yes, we have sold out! As of Sunday, July 10th, 2022, we have completely exhausted/sold our entire 2nd Printing inventory of games originally printed back in 2021. This includes all Regular-sized decks, and all Collector’s Edition reserve copies of the game originally held from sale until matching instruction manuals could be printed.
Q: Will you be selling any future additional copies of Dirigo Treasures Maine?
A: As mentioned in previous updates, we will NOT be selling any additional games for at least the remainder of calendar year 2022. It is possible (But not at all guaranteed) that we may consider selling games in 2023 on a very limited basis IF the Dirigo Treasure has still not been found. However, a decision as to whether we will sell additional games at that point will depend largely on whether they can be manufactured & sold at a break-even; Our manufacturer has indicated that costs of printing the card game decks has increased significantly, so this is very much to-be-determined.
Q: How many copies of Dirigo Treasures Maine were sold in total? What was the final profit figure on sales of the game?
A: Final sales ended with 3,582 games sold (Both Regular-sized and Collectors Edition decks). From an operations perspective, final figures are still being calculated but they appear to indicate a very slight operational loss in terms of Revenue vs. Expenses. We are actually quite satisfied with this result – Our original goal was to break-even on sales activity (Or come close) given our significant charity donations commitment (Now totaling $7,174 to Maine Cancer Foundation/Maine Rivers) and also our desire to cover the cost of shipping on all games. NOTE: These figures are of course entirely unrelated to the $20,000 Dirigo Treasure itself, which was raised separately and hidden before any game sales began in December 2020.
Q: Overall, what is the status of the hunt for the Dirigo Treasure? Are any players close to finding it?
A: The Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found! Whether or not any players are “close” is impossible for us to know or say with any certainty as the hunt for the Dirigo Treasure is entirely in the hands of players. It could be found at any moment, or quite some time from now. However, that being said we continue to see robust activity from players at all levels of the game. It is our opinion that the finding of the Dirigo Treasure in 2022 is a distinct possibility. We look forward to that moment, and we will be here managing the game for as long as it takes until the winning player has unlocked its location!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC

Charity Donations Update!
Hello All – We hope your Treasure Hunting, and Riddle/Puzzle solving is going well! In this update, we are pleased to announce that the next charitable contribution checks have been cut! Our sales calendar quarter of January to March 2022 yielded an additional 159 sales, and therefore an additional $159 each to our charity recipients: Maine Cancer Foundation and Maine Rivers.
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Principal/Owners
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Dirigo Treasures LLC
SUNDAY, MARCH 20th, 2022
Maine’s Dirigo Treasure has NOT YET BEEN FOUND!
As we welcome the new season and its promise of more pleasant weather (And therefore better opportunities for Treasure hunters closing in on the prize), we would like to take this moment to remind the community that there is still time to get in on the hunt! We still have a small number of Collector’s Edition versions of Dirigo Treasures Maine available for purchase (These are the remaining decks from last year’s 2nd printing). As we have now completely SOLD OUT the Regular decks, these last Collector’s Edition decks represent a last chance for new players to experience the game. Please see our website (www.DirigoTreasuresMaine.com) and click the red “Get the Game” button to make a purchase and learn more.
Continued good luck and safe travels to all players as we look forward to the conclusion of the game, and the discovery of the Dirigo Treasure!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Owners – Dirigo Treasures, LLC
Charity Update!
Hello All – Happy February! We are pleased to announce that the next charitable contribution checks have been cut! Our sales calendar quarter of October 2021 to December 2021 yielded an additional 97 sales, and therefore an additional $97 each to our charity recipients: Maine Cancer Foundation and Maine Rivers.
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Principal/Owners
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Dirigo Treasures LLC
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Dirigo Treasures, LLC – Maine’s Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found!
Hello All – Happy Labor Day weekend! We would just like to announce that we have approximately 130 Dirigo Treasures Maine T-shirts remaining from our August 2021 T-shirts promotion. At this time, we are offering the remaining shirts for sale to anyone who would like to purchase one at a price of $19.99 per shirt (See the “Get the Game/Purchase” page). In regards to size, as we post this we have 15 Small, 50 Medium, 50 Large, and 15 X-Large left. As with sales of our game, we will be donating $1 from every purchase of a T-shirt toward our two charity recipients, Maine Cancer Foundation and Maine Rivers. In terms of appearance, the T-shirts (See pictures) are the same as those offered in August. These will be for sale while supplies last. Thank you in advance for your interest!
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: After the Dirigo Treasure has been found, will players still be able to keep playing? I would like to solve the game myself, and was hoping there would still be something to work for after the treasure is recovered. Any chance you might offer players a badge or something?
A: We are pleased to announce that the answer is now YES! Please see the attached picture: Just to be clear, the Dirigo Treasure has NOT yet been found, and we are not exactly sure when that will be. However, after it is, players may still continue to work toward solving the game and discovering on their own where it is (Or was). As per many of your requests, we are now offering a FREE bumper sticker of achievement to those who solve the game after the treasure is claimed. This is perhaps a small token, but one which we know will be important to many. This FREE bumper sticker will be available ONLY to those players who solve the game.
Thank you for your question – Of course, as stated on previous occasions, once the Dirigo Treasure is found we will be announcing it on both our Facebook and our Website, so remember to check back here frequently for any updates. Safe travels to all!
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer

MONDAY, JULY 5th, 2021
IMPORTANT: Clue Updates!
Please note: In regards to the 9♣ (Nine of Clubs), a staff member here at Dirigo Treasures, LLC has been able to confirm that the bench holding the clue answer has been removed by the location! Also, we have also learned that the clue answer is is NOT currently being posted at the front gate of the location (We had been told previously by the site that it would be).
As a remedy, Starting now we ask that ALL players visiting the 9♣ please use the following alternate clue in order to obtain the clue answer:
Find the bench dedicated to “Neena”. The 18th letter on the bench is the clue answer.
We would like to thank several treasure hunters who brought this to our attention, and our staff volunteer for confirming it. We ask players contact us directly with any specific questions on this – Thank you!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
THURSDAY, JULY 1st, 2021
Charity Update!
We are pleased to announce that the next charitable contribution checks have been cut! Our sales calendar quarter of April 2021 to June 2021 was very, very robust and with the 2nd printing orders exceeded our expectations for the quarter. As a result, we can now report that donation checks of $2,709 each (Representing 2,709 sales total) have just been mailed out to our very worthy charity recipients: Maine Cancer Foundation and Maine Rivers. Thank you very much to all who have purchased, enjoyed, and supported the game thus far. We could not have made these donations (Now totaling $5,784) without all of you – THANK YOU!. The next charitable contribution checks will be for our remaining sales for the project, and will be measured at the end of the September 30, 2021 calendar end quarter. Safe travels and best wishes to all!
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Principal/Owners
Curtis Andrews, Senior Designer
Dirigo Treasures LLC
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
Q: What kind of actions will result in the disqualification of a player from the game? What will then happen? Could you please clarify your policy on this?
A: Certainly. And thank you for asking. This is a serious and timely question, as we can report that earlier today it came to our attention from a staff member that a player (In an unsuccessful attempt to clear a level in the middle of the game) engaged in threatening and predatory behavior in which the intention was to overload one of our game systems in order to advance. The player did not succeed. This is unfortunate, and is the first such incident that we have observed was persistent, but it does present an opportunity for us to make clear under what circumstances a player will be disqualified and deemed ineligible from finding/winning the Dirigo Treasure. Please see below for clarification:
- Dirigo Treasures, LLC will disqualify and deem ineligible any player who is deemed by Dirigo Treasures’ full discretion and judgement to have engaged in behavior which attempts to damage, destroy, or alter any aspect of the game, game systems, or property, of Dirigo Treasures, LLC, or its partners.
- Dirigo Treasures, LLC will disqualify and deem ineligible any player who is deemed by Dirigo Treasures’ full discretion and judgement to have engaged in behavior which attempts to intimidate, harass, or threaten, in any way, staff of Dirigo Treasures, LLC, its partners, the community at large, or other players. If warranted and appropriate, local law enforcement will be contacted to report any incident reaching a level of significant concern.
- Refunds for disqualified players will be considered on a case-by-case basis, at the full discretion of Dirigo Treasures, LLC.
Thank you for your attention on this serious matter. Any questions on this policy may be addressed to DirigoTreasures@gmail.com. We would like to thank the overwhelming majority of all players who, regardless of the level of their success, have participated in the game in the spirit that it was intended – Fair, and honest competition, with respect for the integrity of the game, for other players, and for the Maine community as a whole.
Kurt & Kelly Stokes, Principal/Owners, Dirigo Treasures LLC
NOTE: In working with one of our community partners, and in an abundance of caution, for safety concerns we are asking ALL Treasure Hunters to please stay off the bridge relating to the clue for the Queen of Spades.
To obtain the clue (And the answer to what the bridge sign says) players will only need to stop by the official Checkpoint nearby, which will be displaying the answer to players. Reports are that some excessive loitering has occurred near the bridge (Which is on a frequently used roadway), so we again ask that players go to the Checkpoint during their visit for the clue instead the bridge itself. Please feel free to email us at DirigoTreasures@gmail.com if there are any questions/issues.
We would like to thank all players in advance for their cooperation with this request. As in life, adapting to changing conditions on the ground is a must when it comes to treasure hunting. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
MONDAY, MAY 17TH, 2021
Hello All – Please see below for a fresh update on the status of the 2nd printing sales:
Q: What is the latest on shipping for the Collectors Edition decks from the 2nd printing orders? How about an update on that possibility of more Collectors Edition decks being available?
A: We can now report that ALL of the Collectors Edition decks from the 2nd printing orders have now been shipped and are in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service! They arrived to us a little earlier than expected from the Card manufacturer (On Sunday 05/16), and we worked through the night to put the games together. This morning at 10am EST they were all delivered to the Post Office. In addition, we have 300 more Collectors Edition decks on the way (The week of June 7th). If you missed out on getting a Collectors Edition deck, we will make available Pre-ordering for these 300 decks starting this afternoon. It is likely these are the last decks we sell for the game.
Q: What is the latest on shipping for Regular decks from the 2nd printing orders?
A: No change from our May 5th update. Regular decks are scheduled to arrive no later than May 24th from our Card manufacturer, and once received we will move to process them as soon as possible and get them to our mailing service. As we ordered 2,000 of the regular decks with the 2nd printing, most have been sold but there are still a few left in case you still wanted to get a Regular size deck. As with Collectors Edition, we do not expect to sell more after this 2nd printing.
That is all for now with this update – We once again thank all of our customers for their patience as we wait for our Card manufacturer to deliver the remaining decks. Safe Travels to all!
— Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Q: When will 2nd printing sales take place again on the website? Is your website server upgrade complete?
A: Yes, our website server upgrade (Which has been in progress since last week) has finally been completed by our web host and is currently being tested. Therefore, we will attempt to launch 2nd printing sales once again on THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, AT 9AM EST. Just as a reminder, these are pre-order sales for delivery in mid-late May 2021 (Once more game inventory arrives from our manufacturer). Please factor that timing carefully into your decision on whether to buy as again Dirigo Treasures Maine sales began back on December 1, 2020. There will be a limited quantity available for this 2nd printing. If the sales re-launch tomorrow is successful, we may consider additional printings (Although probably in a limited basis as our capacity allows). Thank you again for your continued interest.
In regards to our thoughts on our website technical issues, and our difficulty to date with the now 7 different marketing/ecommerce firms who were all unable to deliver a fully functioning website, we are reminded of the immortal line as voiced by Star Trek’s Mr. Scott:
“Aye, Sir, the more they overtech the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain…………”
— Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
TUESDAY, APRIL 13th, 2021
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: How long do you expect it to take for the Dirigo Treasure to be found? I just purchased my game, and I am a little concerned about my chances to win as my friend is quite far into finding the clues. Can you speak to this and how worried I should be?
A: Please do not worry – Not all treasure hunts are the same! It is fair to say we like to view this game as a marathon rather than a sprint. While Yes, there will come a time in the game when speed is absolutely important to find the treasure, that time is NOT quite now, for as we have mentioned before, Dirigo Treasures Maine® has been designed principally as a Spring/Summer/Fall activity. Meticulous care was applied in its game development to provide players with a reasonable window of time to experiment, learn, travel, and have fun with the puzzle. So, to answer your question (Without giving anything away), move at pace reasonable to you, not based on other players “Apparent” progress. At the same time, we strongly suggest that perhaps come Summer 2021 it would probably advisable to show more time urgency in your treasure hunting.
Oh, yes – And in regards to when the Dirigo Treasure will be found, it is really hard to say given the game’s complexity (And simplicity!). Speaking personally for myself as the Senior Designer, I would guess maybe some time in the Fall of 2021. Or, perhaps, even beyond! Only a Treasure Master would know for certain!
Safe travels to all – Have fun, Spring is coming!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
IMPORTANT: Clue Updates!
Please note: There is a small printer typo in the manual which may not have much significance, but we would like to mention it so that treasure hunters are NOT misled in any way:
For the clue for the 4 of Diamonds in the manual, you need to find the three digit number on the front of the cannon (Not “canon”, as printed in the manual). So yes, you will be looking for a cannon similar to the ones referenced in the 3 of Hearts and the 2 of spades (i.e. The kind that fire those cannonballs off the port bow!). A small typo by our printer (Our sincere apologies!) but important to disclose nonetheless.
We would like to thank clever treasure hunter Elizabeth Copeland for bringing this to our attention (And now yours)!
Safe travels to all – Hang in there, Spring is coming!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: Is it possible to find the 8 of Hearts right now? I believe I know where he is, but cannot find him. Could you please speak a little more about his status? If he is not there, could you please give an idea on when he might be? Is he hibernating?
A: Happy to help! The 8 of Hearts is one of our personal favorites in Dirigo Treasures Maine®. A true legacy resident of the State of Maine, it is no small coincidence that he is one of the Hearts, as he is certainly close to our own heart, and to the hearts of many over the last 50+ years. Distinguished, charming, and handsome, he also has long performed an important public service in his ocean-side community – What a perfect gentleman! In regards to your question, Yes, he is currently social distancing, but hopes to be seeing everyone soon some time around April! We have very recently spoken to his owner, who assures us he is fine, and is just using the Winter months to “Spruce up” his look for the Spring! Here is a tip though, Treasure Hunters: If you happen, “On a Lark” (Hint, Hint) to visit his usual home, you will have no trouble finding the clue as it is available right now! But please, come back and see him when he returns as he loves and misses you all!
Thank you for your question! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: What equipment would you recommend the player take along on trips to the card clue locations, and when looking for the 7 Dirigo Stones?
A: An excellent question. There is no special required equipment needed to play the game, but we can make some helpful suggestions. A camera/phone camera would be the first! Unless you have a really, really, really good memory (And we know some of you do!), a camera would be helpful so you can capture the image of what is needed to determine the clue answer. One never knows when that clue picture you take might come in handy! Other helpful items we can suggest would be a map, appropriate footwear/attire for the conditions, and perhaps a magnifying glass in case there is something small to see. However, ultimately the player is free to choose what to bring with them based on what they find works best. Just remember, always, to Leave No Trace!
Thank you for your question! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st, 2021
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: Is visiting all of the specific card locations mandatory in order to collect all of the clues and win the game? I believe I am able to guess one of the clue answers without visiting.
A: A thoughtful question. Yes, Dirigo Treasures Maine® is game that allows the treasure hunter to use their detective and observation skills to help them deduce answers to the many clues and puzzles in the game. However, PLEASE BE WARNED! Every card location potentially has great value in assisting you in the game. In fact, you may find it fun and interesting to know that at least one of the actual card locations has a special visual clue presented to the visitor which is a potentially powerful hint to solving the Dirigo Cipher! So while the player is certainly free to select and navigate their travel as they see fit, when it comes to card locations, if you skip, you could miss out!
Thank you for your question! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17st, 2021
Charity Update!
We are pleased to announce that the first charitable contribution checks have been cut! Our initial sales month of December 2020 was very promising and exceeded our expectations for Winter. As a result, we can now report that donation checks of $50 each (Representing the first 50 sales) were mailed and received by our two charity partners: Maine Cancer Foundation and Maine Rivers. Thank you very much to all who have purchased and enjoyed the game thus far. As we inch closer to the optimal time period for the game (i.e. Spring/Summer/Fall), we feel the momentum will continue to increase! The next charitable contribution checks will be measured at the end of the March 31, 2021 calendar end quarter. Safe travels to all!
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® Treasure Hunters.
Q: Is it possible that COVID19 may have an impact on access to any of the clues of the game?
A: Yes, it certainly is possible from time to time. That is why it is wise to remember to check back here for any clue updates for Dirigo Treasures Maine®!
In regards to a specific example of this, note the King of Hearts. At the moment, current federal guidelines possibly may impact how “Privy” you can be to the clue. This status is expected to be resolved by the Spring of 2021, but in the meantime, when visiting the card location, feel free to use this as your accurate alternate clue:
“Continue on to the Lean-To. Locate the “Gray Water Pit” sign nearby. The number of letters after “Environment” on the sign, multiplied by 6, is the clue.”
Happy New Year! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
K.A. Stokes, Principal/Owner
Q&A: Dirigo Treasures Maine®!
In this first edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address one of the common questions about the game that have been on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® Treasure Hunters.
Q: What time of year suits the treasure hunt experience the best? Do some of the card locations have only seasonal access?
A: Yes, to the latter. Dirigo Treasures Maine® is probably best suited as a Spring-Summer-Fall experience. It is certainly possible that some of the locations, and some of the clues, may only be accessed (Or viewed) during the non-Winter seasons. Please be patient! And, be clever. Know your locations, and know your clues, in regards to the next access dates. While Winter may not provide a complete opportunity to hunt for the clues, one advantage of buying now is that the Treasure Hunter has some time to make their plan, to chart their travel strategically, and to consider what fellow Mainers may assist them on their way.
Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
K.A. Stokes, Principal/Owner
A: No change from our May 5th update. Regular decks are scheduled to arrive no later than May 24th from our Card manufacturer, and once received we will move to process them as soon as possible and get them to our mailing service. As we ordered 2,000 of the regular decks with the 2nd printing, most have been sold but there are still a few left in case you still wanted to get a Regular size deck. As with Collectors Edition, we do not expect to sell more after this 2nd printing.
That is all for now with this update – We once again thank all of our customers for their patience as we wait for our Card manufacturer to deliver the remaining decks. Safe Travels to all!
— Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Hello All – Please see below for an update on the status of the 2nd printing sales:
Q: What is the latest on shipping dates for the 2nd printing orders?
A: No change from our May 5th update. Regular decks are scheduled to arrive no later than May 24th from our Card manufacturer, and once received we will move to process them as soon as possible and get them to our mailing service. As we ordered 2,000 of the regular decks with the 2nd printing, most have been sold but there are still a few left in case you still wanted to get a Regular size deck. As with Collectors Edition, we do not expect to sell more after this 2nd printing.
That is all for now with this update – We once again thank all of our customers for their patience as we wait for our Card manufacturer to deliver the remaining decks. Safe Travels to all!
— Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Q: When will 2nd printing sales take place again on the website? Is your website server upgrade complete?
A: Yes, our website server upgrade (Which has been in progress since last week) has finally been completed by our web host and is currently being tested. Therefore, we will attempt to launch 2nd printing sales once again on THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, AT 9AM EST. Just as a reminder, these are pre-order sales for delivery in mid-late May 2021 (Once more game inventory arrives from our manufacturer). Please factor that timing carefully into your decision on whether to buy as again Dirigo Treasures Maine sales began back on December 1, 2020. There will be a limited quantity available for this 2nd printing. If the sales re-launch tomorrow is successful, we may consider additional printings (Although probably in a limited basis as our capacity allows). Thank you again for your continued interest.
In regards to our thoughts on our website technical issues, and our difficulty to date with the now 7 different marketing/ecommerce firms who were all unable to deliver a fully functioning website, we are reminded of the immortal line as voiced by Star Trek’s Mr. Scott:
“Aye, Sir, the more they overtech the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain…………”
— Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
TUESDAY, APRIL 13th, 2021
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: How long do you expect it to take for the Dirigo Treasure to be found? I just purchased my game, and I am a little concerned about my chances to win as my friend is quite far into finding the clues. Can you speak to this and how worried I should be?
A: Please do not worry – Not all treasure hunts are the same! It is fair to say we like to view this game as a marathon rather than a sprint. While Yes, there will come a time in the game when speed is absolutely important to find the treasure, that time is NOT quite now, for as we have mentioned before, Dirigo Treasures Maine® has been designed principally as a Spring/Summer/Fall activity. Meticulous care was applied in its game development to provide players with a reasonable window of time to experiment, learn, travel, and have fun with the puzzle. So, to answer your question (Without giving anything away), move at pace reasonable to you, not based on other players “Apparent” progress. At the same time, we strongly suggest that perhaps come Summer 2021 it would probably advisable to show more time urgency in your treasure hunting.
Oh, yes – And in regards to when the Dirigo Treasure will be found, it is really hard to say given the game’s complexity (And simplicity!). Speaking personally for myself as the Senior Designer, I would guess maybe some time in the Fall of 2021. Or, perhaps, even beyond! Only a Treasure Master would know for certain!
Safe travels to all – Have fun, Spring is coming!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
IMPORTANT: Clue Updates!
Please note: There is a small printer typo in the manual which may not have much significance, but we would like to mention it so that treasure hunters are NOT misled in any way:
For the clue for the 4 of Diamonds in the manual, you need to find the three digit number on the front of the cannon (Not “canon”, as printed in the manual). So yes, you will be looking for a cannon similar to the ones referenced in the 3 of Hearts and the 2 of spades (i.e. The kind that fire those cannonballs off the port bow!). A small typo by our printer (Our sincere apologies!) but important to disclose nonetheless.
We would like to thank clever treasure hunter Elizabeth Copeland for bringing this to our attention (And now yours)!
Safe travels to all – Hang in there, Spring is coming!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: Is it possible to find the 8 of Hearts right now? I believe I know where he is, but cannot find him. Could you please speak a little more about his status? If he is not there, could you please give an idea on when he might be? Is he hibernating?
A: Happy to help! The 8 of Hearts is one of our personal favorites in Dirigo Treasures Maine®. A true legacy resident of the State of Maine, it is no small coincidence that he is one of the Hearts, as he is certainly close to our own heart, and to the hearts of many over the last 50+ years. Distinguished, charming, and handsome, he also has long performed an important public service in his ocean-side community – What a perfect gentleman! In regards to your question, Yes, he is currently social distancing, but hopes to be seeing everyone soon some time around April! We have very recently spoken to his owner, who assures us he is fine, and is just using the Winter months to “Spruce up” his look for the Spring! Here is a tip though, Treasure Hunters: If you happen, “On a Lark” (Hint, Hint) to visit his usual home, you will have no trouble finding the clue as it is available right now! But please, come back and see him when he returns as he loves and misses you all!
Thank you for your question! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: What equipment would you recommend the player take along on trips to the card clue locations, and when looking for the 7 Dirigo Stones?
A: An excellent question. There is no special required equipment needed to play the game, but we can make some helpful suggestions. A camera/phone camera would be the first! Unless you have a really, really, really good memory (And we know some of you do!), a camera would be helpful so you can capture the image of what is needed to determine the clue answer. One never knows when that clue picture you take might come in handy! Other helpful items we can suggest would be a map, appropriate footwear/attire for the conditions, and perhaps a magnifying glass in case there is something small to see. However, ultimately the player is free to choose what to bring with them based on what they find works best. Just remember, always, to Leave No Trace!
Thank you for your question! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st, 2021
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® treasure hunters.
Q: Is visiting all of the specific card locations mandatory in order to collect all of the clues and win the game? I believe I am able to guess one of the clue answers without visiting.
A: A thoughtful question. Yes, Dirigo Treasures Maine® is game that allows the treasure hunter to use their detective and observation skills to help them deduce answers to the many clues and puzzles in the game. However, PLEASE BE WARNED! Every card location potentially has great value in assisting you in the game. In fact, you may find it fun and interesting to know that at least one of the actual card locations has a special visual clue presented to the visitor which is a potentially powerful hint to solving the Dirigo Cipher! So while the player is certainly free to select and navigate their travel as they see fit, when it comes to card locations, if you skip, you could miss out!
Thank you for your question! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17st, 2021
Charity Update!
We are pleased to announce that the first charitable contribution checks have been cut! Our initial sales month of December 2020 was very promising and exceeded our expectations for Winter. As a result, we can now report that donation checks of $50 each (Representing the first 50 sales) were mailed and received by our two charity partners: Maine Cancer Foundation and Maine Rivers. Thank you very much to all who have purchased and enjoyed the game thus far. As we inch closer to the optimal time period for the game (i.e. Spring/Summer/Fall), we feel the momentum will continue to increase! The next charitable contribution checks will be measured at the end of the March 31, 2021 calendar end quarter. Safe travels to all!
Q&A: Dirigo Updates!
In this next edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address another of the common questions about the game that have been lately on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® Treasure Hunters.
Q: Is it possible that COVID19 may have an impact on access to any of the clues of the game?
A: Yes, it certainly is possible from time to time. That is why it is wise to remember to check back here for any clue updates for Dirigo Treasures Maine®!
In regards to a specific example of this, note the King of Hearts. At the moment, current federal guidelines possibly may impact how “Privy” you can be to the clue. This status is expected to be resolved by the Spring of 2021, but in the meantime, when visiting the card location, feel free to use this as your accurate alternate clue:
“Continue on to the Lean-To. Locate the “Gray Water Pit” sign nearby. The number of letters after “Environment” on the sign, multiplied by 6, is the clue.”
Happy New Year! Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
K.A. Stokes, Principal/Owner
Q&A: Dirigo Treasures Maine®!
In this first edition of Dirigo Updates, we will address one of the common questions about the game that have been on the mind of the Dirigo Treasures Maine® Treasure Hunters.
Q: What time of year suits the treasure hunt experience the best? Do some of the card locations have only seasonal access?
A: Yes, to the latter. Dirigo Treasures Maine® is probably best suited as a Spring-Summer-Fall experience. It is certainly possible that some of the locations, and some of the clues, may only be accessed (Or viewed) during the non-Winter seasons. Please be patient! And, be clever. Know your locations, and know your clues, in regards to the next access dates. While Winter may not provide a complete opportunity to hunt for the clues, one advantage of buying now is that the Treasure Hunter has some time to make their plan, to chart their travel strategically, and to consider what fellow Mainers may assist them on their way.
Keep checking back here more Dirigo Updates. Safe travels to all!
Curt Andrews, Senior Designer
K.A. Stokes, Principal/Owner